AR Multimeter Solution VirtUA showcased at NASA iTech Event
GTD’s Augmented Reality project was selected by NASA to be showcased at the iTech Ignite the Night Event in Tampa, Florida
GTD GmbH was shortlisted by NASA in an international search to find space-ready technology with potential to address existing challenges of NASA missions. Within 3 years of NASA iTech program, companies have raised over 500 million USD of non NASA capital.
GTD GmbH pitched its Augmented Reality Multimeter solution VirtUA at NASA iTech event “Ignite the Night” in Tampa Florida on 11th February 2020, followed by a jury composed by NASA Chief Technology Officers and investors, and live streamed to the public. This competition was part of the Synapse Summit 2020 hosted in Tampa.
VirtUA is an Augmented Reality solution that solves an assumed problem with electronic measurements for decades. With available electronic measurement tools it is not possible to obtain multiple simultaneous measurements, showing them exactly where these signals are measured, and within some seconds preparation effort. VirtUA instead, enables these requirements in an intuitive way using a handheld augmented reality system composed by so-called Smart Probes, or miniature Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices attached electronically to the measured specimen. This system may, with further development, become an alternative to a multimeter, an oscilloscope, and a logic analyzer.
See VirtUA for more