GTD GmbH Moved to New Premises

GTD GmbH’s new address is Ravensburger Str. 32A, 88677 Markdorf, Germany
Last week, on the 20th of November, GTD GmbH moved to a new and better suited office.
After more than six years in the same initial office, we rented a new office in a very close building thus, we still stay in Markdorf.
In an excellent collective effort, the GTD GmbH team moved the complete furniture and IT infrastructure in a single day to the new office, so that normal work could be resumed without restriction the day after. The entire network and telephone infrastructure was set up by our colleague Thomas Wucher making it possible that all our PCs and servers were again up and running the very same day we moved.
The new office will certainly bring us the opportunity to continue developing the best on-board software and to further contribute to the Europe wide development of GTD.
Our new address:
Ravensburger Str. 32a
88677, Markdorf, Germany