Development Process

Development Process

GTD GmbH develops software according to established software development processes such as Scrum or V-model

GTD GmbH develops software according to established software development processes such as Scrum or V-model. It’s important for GTD GmbH to use modern Tools for project and source code management for all projects. This allows for efficient work for all involved developers.

For project management and communication with the customer we use mainly Redmine. Depending on the projects needs, the workflow in Redmine can be adapted.

Software development is caried out according to the developer operations philosophy at GTD GmbH. For this we us GitLab and a Docker cluster. This allows to provide consistant software quality while still being able to provide software updates and bugfixes to the customer in a fast and reliable way.

To improve and maintain software quality we use several stages of tests, running either completely automated within GitLab in a simulated environment or partly automated on real hardware with the help of an inhouse test framework. All tests create coverage or test reports for evidence.

In 2017, GTD GmbH had the Spice4Space (S4S) assessment caried out by ESA.