Application Development

Application Development

GTD GmbH develops desktop and web applications according to customer requirements using programming languages such as Python and C#.

GTD GmbH develops desktop and web applications according to customer requirements using programming languages such as Python and C#.

When using Python the following frameworks and technologies are often used:

  • Flask
  • WTForm
  • CherryPy
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Jinja2
  • TkInter

When developing in C# we use the following technologies:

  • .Net und .Net Core
  • ASP.Net MVC
  • ASP.Net EntityFramework
  • Npgsql
  • Windows Forms

We develop web applications, independant of the backend language, using the following front end technologies:

  • Telerik KendoUI
  • Twitter Bootstrap 3 and 4
  • JQuery

Many of these applications need a database connection. To design new databases we use the following platforms at GTD GmbH:

  • Oracle DB
  • SQLite
  • PostgreSQL

If necessary we also provide our experience in migrating legacy databases into a newly developed application. Our favourite tool for this task is the RhinoETL Framework.

GTD GmbH has collected experience in development of apps for Android. In these projects the following technologies were used:

  • Unity 3D
  • Google ARCore
  • OpenCV